
Posts Tagged ‘Grandkids’

Every summer set aside some time and invite your grandchildren for a visit.  Creating strong family connections is crucial in our overall well-being and happiness.  My grandchildren live out of the state and each July we plan a weeklong visit to stay with us in Ohio. We love having them spend time with us and plan fun and memorable activities to do together.  These activities include:

  • Teach games we enjoyed as a child-Jump Rope, Jacks, Red Rover, Mother May I, Card Games, Solitaire
  • Visit a state park, or battlefield
  • Make ice cream
  • Start a collection of rocks, bugs or stamps
  • Go fishing
  • Create a do-it-yourself science project
  • Go berry picking
  • Teach them how to preserve vegetables from the garden
  • Go beach glass collecting
  • Play charades
  • Go on a treasure hunt in the yard – create the map ahead of time, and the treasure could be a special treat, prize, or game
  • Paint rocks together and leave it around the community to spread kindness to someone.  We often go back a day later to see if the rock has been picked up.
  • Read a book together aloud each night, we are almost finished with The Harry Potter Series.
  • Tie-dye t-shirts and get a photo wearing them
  • Attend a sporting event
  • Visit a splash pad
  • Take nightly walks
  • Visit a local playground
  • Attend a nature talk at a state park

Building and sustaining relationships with our grandchildren is mutually beneficial.  A recent study from Boston College, found that children who have a close relationship with their grandparents are less likely to be depressed as adults.  For grandparents, a close relationship with their grandchildren boosts brain function, protects against depression and increases lifespan. 

Have a wonderful summer and share with us your planned activities this summer with your grandchildren!

Written by:  Beth Stefura, OSU Extension Educator, Mahoning County, stefura.2@osu.edu

Reviewed by:  Margaret Jenkins, OSU Extension Educator, Clermont County, jenkins.188@osu.edu






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