
Posts Tagged ‘sustainable travel’

As I plan my summer travel, I wondered what changes I could make before I even purchase my tickets that would make trekking across the ocean just a bit more sustainable. According to the Vacationer, 82% of Americans plan on traveling this summer with 25% planning to head abroad in 2024. Regardless of where travelers head to, tourists effect the people, economy, and environment they travel to. When crossing any national, ethnic, cultural, or state border it is important to consider what impact travel can have on both parties. One way to ensure each party has as little negative impact on each other as possible is to travel more sustainably.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism development as travel that compares the negative to the positive social, cultural, environmental, and economic impacts of the travel in the host nation. Before the plane has the left the tarmac, here are some simple steps to help support sustainable travel for future nomads.

Check Your Travel Options

Picture of Carbon Emissions Offsetting Process https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/carbon-offset-aviation/

Planes, trains, and automobiles, all present challenges considering the environmental impact of our travel. Because of the very public battles with climate change, reports on carbon emissions are often at the top of environmental concerns when discussing sustainable travel. And because most of our travel in the United States requires moving across wide distances over land or an expansive ocean, it can be a challenge to find sustainable ways to see the world. One simple way to hunt for sustainable travel is to find an airline that off sets their carbon dioxide emissions.  By offsetting their carbon emissions, airlines pay for other reduction services based on the carbon produced on their flights. Airlines may have a logo that identifies their strategies to offset carbon emissions, or they may be part of a national or international commission to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It is also good to be aware of potential “greenwashing” campaign, where companies paint a much greener picture than the reality.

Select a Sustainable Destination

From the definition, sustainable travel can look at cultural, social , economic, or environmental sustainability, which means selecting your ideal location can coincide with sustainable ideals. From international travel guides and news outlets, many sources have done the research regarding some of the most sustainable destinations.  Cities across the globe are focusing on reducing waste, zeroing their carbon footprint, or building more sustainable infrastructure. In 2024, the BBC listed Valencia, Spain one of the most sustainable destinations. To get on the list, Valencia has been working toward sourcing all electricity from renewable resources and building interconnected neighborhoods promoting more biking and green spaces. This is just one of many locations where sustainable travel is a bit more achievable.

Keep Educating Yourself!

Learning about social issues, cultural differences, and current events allows the traveler to be aware of spots to visit and locations to avoid. From what you wear to where to go, a “Responsible Traveler” as the Center for Responsible Travel calls it, supports the host nation’s social and cultural dynamics, the local economy, and the environment while in the host nation. Seeking opportunities to see culturally significant locations while avoiding tourism that harms the local economy is very important. Having cultural awareness, or knowing how and why other cultures are different from yours, will set your trip up for success.

No one begins the journey towards sustainability without a few missteps. By keeping the environment, social needs, and locality in mind, travelers can take steps toward being more sustainable beyond their suitcase.

Writer: Ryan Kline, Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development, Ohio State University Extension, Ross County, kline.375@osu.edu

Reviewer: Misty Harmon, Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Perry County, harmon.416@osu.edu

Hammond, Richard. “How to Travel Better: A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Travel in 2023 and Beyond.” Travel, 9 Nov. 2022, http://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/how-to-travel-better-a-beginners-guide-to-sustainable-travel-in-2023-and-beyond.

Martinez, Nikki. “How to Travel Sustainably in Summer 2022.” Warner College of Natural Resources, 1 June 2022, warnercnr.source.colostate.edu/how-to-travel-sustainably-in-summer-2022/.


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