
Posts Tagged ‘Calcium’

I love any type of juice in the morning- grape, orange, apple, cranberry, punch. It gives me that quick energy that I need to jump start my day. Juice is naturally high in carbohydrates and calories, and also some antioxidant vitamins such as C and A which help the immune system, promote heart health, and prevent cancers. Citrus juice has B vitamins and minerals such as potassium which promote nerve and muscle health. Some juice products are fortified with calcium and vitamin D which are helpful to bones and teeth. Juices such as grape juice have other antioxidants and phytochemicals which are anti-inflammatory and can also promote healthy cardiovascular systems and prevent some cancers.

As someone who lives with type 1 diabetes, juice can also be helpful to have around in case I have a low blood sugar. With that in mind, I have to be especially mindful of serving sizes when I drink juice because it could also cause a spike in my blood sugar if I don’t take enough insulin. Most juice has about 30-40 grams of carbohydrate per 8 oz serving. 8 oz doesn’t look like much in today’s mega-glasses, many of which can easily hold 32 ounces! I normally will try to use an 8 oz glass when pouring juice. In addition to being high in carbohydrates, juice is also acidic, which is especially problematic for tooth decay. Experts recommend not brushing teeth until at least an hour after consuming acidic products.

Not all juice is created equal. Most experts recommend drinking 100% juice because vitamins and minerals are higher. However 100% juice is also high in fructose, naturally found in fruit. Many juice cocktails on the market have fewer carbohydrates since they contain added sweeteners and are still fortified with vitamins. Be sure to read labels when shopping for juice.

Fruit juice lacks an important nutrient found in whole fruit- fiber. Fiber helps the digestive system, lowers cholesterol, promotes a healthy colon, lowers blood sugar spikes, just to name a few benefits. Eating an orange or an apple will give you the fiber and also the juice!

Parents should be careful not to introduce juice too early to their children. The sugar in juice can be harmful to teeth, and too much can contribute to childhood obesity. Kids should get used to drinking water, low-fat milk, and other low-calorie products. Parents can also look for lower calories juice products.

Consider other alternatives to juice such as:

Fruit infused water or herbs

A splash of juice in a spritzer

Lemon infused water, with some honey or sweetner


Author:  Dan Remley, MSPH, PhD, Associate Professor and Field Specialist, OSU Extension

Reviewer: Alisha Barton, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Miami County, barton.345@osu.edu


WebMD: Juices, the Best and Worst for Your Health. Retrieved on 9/8/20 from https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-juice-wars

WebMD: Choose Fruit Wisely. Retrieved on 9/8/20 from https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/features/fruit-diabetes-sugar

Remley, D. Nutrition and Dental Hygiene: Myths versus Facts. Retrieved on 9/8/20 from https://livehealthyosu.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=12050&action=edit

Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels.com

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3 milk in glass containers with a blue background

What were once considered to be novelty products, plant-based milk alternatives are now a norm in the grocery store. Whether you choose to consume plant-based milk alternatives due to health complications, personal beliefs, or purely based on preference, deciding on the best plant-based beverage for you or your family can be challenging. There are a lot of factors to consider  such as  protein and calorie content.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s focus on the main contenders: rice, soy, oat, and almond milk. Furthermore, we will only be focusing on the nutritional components of these products. Please keep in mind that taste and price are factors to consider when choosing a plant-based beverage.

Rice Milk

Rice milk is commonly sought out by consumers who are allergic to both soy and nuts. Rice milk is relatively comparable to cow’s milk in terms of calories, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D.1 Rice milk is actually higher than cow’s milk in terms of iron content.1 However, one drawback of rice milk is that it lacks an adequate amount of protein. Rice milk contains 1 gram of protein per 8 oz serving.1

Soy Milk

Soy milk compares to cow’s milk in terms of the amount of protein found in soy milk. An 8 oz. serving of soy milk offers 7-8 grams of protein.1 Soy milk is also rich in calcium, vitamin D, and iron.1 Soy milk also contains vitamin B12,2 a vitamin often under consumed in vegans and vegetarians.

Oat Milk

If iron is of main concern to you, then consider oat milk. Oat milk (1.8 mg) is higher in iron compared to cow’s milk (0.05 mg) and other plant-based beverages. When comparing calcium content, oat milk contains more calcium (350 mg) than cow’s milk (293). Oat milk is also rich in vitamin’s A and D, but is lacking in terms of vitamin B12. Lastly, oat milk is low in the category of protein content (4 g/ 8 oz. serving)

Almond Milk

bowl of milk with almonds next the bowl and a yellow napkin with various almonds

If you are looking for a low calorie plant-based milk alternative, almond milk is the option for you.1 Almond milk is also a good source of calcium (450 mg) compared to cow’s milk (293 mg).1 Almond milk is also a comparable option in terms of vitamins A and D. However, if you are looking for a beverage that is a good source of protein, almond milk is not the product for you (1 gram protein/8 oz. serving).

Bottom Line

Plant-based beverages are not a “one size fits all” for consumers. There is not one plant-based beverage that will meet will every consumer’s needs. It’s important to do your research on plant-based milk alternatives in order to ensure that your beverage of choice meets your personal nutritional needs because not all plant-based milk alternatives are created equal.

Figure 1. Comparison of plant-based beverages to 2% cow’s milk.1

Note– 2% milk was used as the cow’s milk comparison

Authors: Susan Zies, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Wood County and Brittany Kralik, BGSU Dietetic Intern with Wood County Extension Office.

Reviewer: Margaret Jenkins, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Clermont County


  1. Bridges M. Moo-ove over cow’s milk: the rise of plant-based dairy alternatives. Practical Gastroenterology. https://med.virginia.edu/ginutrition/wp-content/uploads/sites/199/2014/06/January-18-Milk-Alternatives.pdf. 2018 Jan. Accessed: 2019 Jan 28.
  2. Wright KC. The coupe in the diary aisle. Today’s Dietitian. 2018 Sept;20(9):28. https://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/0918p28.shtml

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yogurt1If you are like a lot of people, you’ve probably spent some time standing in front of the yogurt section of the dairy aisle, wondering what kind of yogurt to purchase. There are so many options to choose from that it can literally feel a little overwhelming. How is Greek yogurt different from regular yogurt? Is it worth the extra expense? Let’s take a look.

Both yogurts contain two primary ingredients–milk and bacterial cultures. The bacteria ferment the lactose (milk sugar) in the milk, producing lactic acid. After fermentation is complete, the liquid “whey” is strained off the solid yogurt. Regular yogurt is strained twice, leaving a little liquid in the end product (which is what you see accumulated on the top of your yogurt when you remove the lid). Greek yogurt is strained three times, removing most of the liquid. That extra straining is what gives Greek yogurt a thicker consistency (and stronger flavor) compared to regular yogurt.

Because so much liquid volume is lost through that third straining it takes about four cups of raw milk to produce one cup of Greek yogurt. In comparison, it only takes one cup of raw milk to make a cup of regular yogurt, which helps explain the higher cost associated with Greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt contains more protein and less carbohydrates, making it a better choice for diabetics. But no matter which type you select, read the food label. Compare types based on:

  • PROTEIN: A typical 6-ounce Greek yogurt has 15 to 20 grams, which is the same as 2-3 ounces of lean meat. Regular yogurt provides about 9 grams.
  • FAT: There’s fat in yogurt? Yes, depending on the type of milk used. Full-fat Greek yogurt packs 16 grams of saturated fat—or 80 percent of your total daily allowance in a 7 ounce container. Regular full-fat yogurt has 5 grams of saturated fat in an 8-ounce serving. If you’re going Greek, stick to low-fat and fat-free versions.
  • SODIUM: Greek yogurt is much lower in sodium than regular yogurt, making it a healthier choice if you’re watching your salt intake. One cup of Greek yogurt contains 65 mg of salt, while the same size cup of regular yogurt contains 159 mg of salt.
  • CALCIUM: Regular yogurt provides 30 percent of the federal government’s recommended daily amount. A 6-ounce cup of Greek yogurt typically supplies about 20 percent of the daily recommendation.
  • SUGAR: Sugar content is usually higher in regular yogurt, but much depends on additional ingredients added such as fruit and/or granola-type toppings.

Final Thoughts

Yogurt is an important probiotic, adding live bacterial strains to your colon that enhance and support your microbiome. No matter which type you choose, your body wins from that perspective alone. But experiment with the different types and flavors until you find one that fits both your nutritional and taste criteria.




Writer: Marie Economos, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Trumbull County.

Reviewer: Donna Green, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Erie County

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Fall Challenge 2014

Join Ohio State University Extension for a six-week personal wellness challenge. This fall the Live Healthy Live Well challenge for better health will run from September 8-October 19. This is an online challenge designed to help adults get fit by encouraging regular physical activity, healthy eating and wellness tips. This is a free event. Participants will receive e-communications twice weekly sent directly to you from your local OSU Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Professional. This challenge focuses on:

• Organic/natural foods
• Calcium and fiber in your diet
• Superfoods
• Gluten-free and whole grains
• Incorporating fitness into your day
Sign up by following this link to enroll: http://go.osu.edu/Mahoningfall14
Once you register, you will be enrolled and begin receiving e-communications starting the week of September 8, 2014.
We look forward to taking this fall challenge journey together!

Written by: Beth Stefura M Ed, RD,LD, Ohio State University Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Mahoning County, Crossroads EERA, stefura.2@osu.edu
Reviewed by: Michelle Treber, MA, LD, Ohio State University Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Pickaway County, Heart of Ohio EERA, treber.1@osu.edu


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In our efforts to improve nutrition and choose “healthy foods”, it can sometimes be a challenge to know what is healthy and what is not. One measure of how a food fits in to your efforts to “eat healthy” is to look at how many important nutrients the food provides for the amount of calories it delivers. Our best bet is to choose foods that deliver the most nutrients – protein, vitamins and minerals – for the fewest calories. Avoiding empty calories is also a good goal. Low-fat dairy foods can be an important part of this plan. Dairy products that have some or all of the fat removed still contain all of the “good” nutrients we want.

girl drinking milkTogether, low-fat and fat-free milk, cheese and yogurt provide a unique package of nine essential nutrients that improve overall diet quality and promote good health. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognize that milk and milk products are linked to improved bone health, especially in children and teens, and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure in adults.

What the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Say about Dairy Foods
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) encourage all Americans to increase intakes of low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products to the recommended daily amounts:

• 2 cups for children 2 to 3 years
• 2.5 cups for children 4 to 8 years
• 3 cups for those 9 years and older

Milk is the number one food source, in terms of consumption, for three of the four nutrients the DGA identified as lacking in the American diet – calcium, vitamin D and potassium.

According to the DGA, individuals who consume milk at an early age are more likely to do so as adults, so it is especially important to establish in young children the habit of drinking milk. Current evidence indicates intake of milk and milk products is linked to improved bone health, especially in children and adolescents. For women, around 40 percent of initial bone mass is achieved in the first 20 years of life, underscoring the importance of early bone development and health.

Nutrient-Rich Foods, Like Dairy
A positive approach to healthy eating does more than monitor calorie intake – it also maintains a diet that offers maximum vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. Nutrient-rich foods, like dairy foods, provide essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for fewer calories. Nutrient-rich foods from each food group include:

• Brightly colored fruits and 100 percent fruit juices,
• Vibrant-colored vegetables and potatoes,
• Whole, fortified and fiber-rich grain foods,
• Low-fat and fat-free milk, cheese and yogurt, and
• Lean meat, skinless poultry, fish, eggs, beans and nuts.

Dairy’s Health Benefits
Research has shown that:
• Osteoporosis – Dairy’s nutrients are vital to the development of strong bones thus reducing the risk for developing osteoporosis.
• Healthy Weight – Milk and dairy foods may also play a positive role in maintaining a healthy weight.
• Healthy Blood Pressure – Three minerals found in dairy foods – calcium, potassium and magnesium – may play an important role in maintaining healthy blood pressure.
• Cardiometabolic syndrome, Cardiovascular disease, type 2 Diabetes – Current evidence indicates that the consumption of dairy foods is associated with a reduced risk of Cardiometabolic syndrome – a cluster of metabolic abnormalities that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease – and type 2 Diabetes.

Author: Polly Loy, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Belmont County, Buckeye Hills EERA.
Reviewed by: Kathryn Dodrill, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Washington County, Buckeye Hills EERA
References: Dairy Foods and Nutrition Fact Sheet, Midwest Dairy Council, http://www.midwestdairy.com, March 2012.
USDA 2010 Dietary Guidelines, http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/DietaryGuidelines.htm
Nutrient Density Fact Sheet, Clemson University Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet, http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/food/nutrition/nutrition/dietary_guide/hgic4062.html

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FoodServingSizesdownload (2)

Many things have changed in the American diet since the Nutrition Facts label was introduced 20 years ago.  The Nutrition Facts Label, introduced in 1993, helps consumers make informed choices and maintain dietary practices. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to update the Nutrition Facts label found on most of the food packages here in the United States.

People today are eating much larger serving sizes than they did years ago.  According to the director of FDA’s Center for Health and Safety and Applied Nutrition, Michael Landa, “Obesity, heart disease and other chronic diseases are leading public health concerns.”  The proposed food label changes plan to bring greater attention to serving size requirements and calories. In addition, the proposed changes include requiring information about “added sugars:”   Many experts recommend consuming fewer calories from added sugars because they can decrease the intake of nutrient-rich foods while increasing caloric intake. Another change proposed is to require manufacturers to declare the amount of potassium and Vitamin D on the label. Calcium and iron would continue to be required; however, Vitamins A and C would now be included on a voluntary basis.

Food serving sizes will get a reality check. The proposed changes include changing the serving sizes requirements to adequately reflect how people actually eat and drink today. In the U.S., serving sizes have changed since they were introduced 20 years ago. By law, the label information will be based on what a typical person actually eats, and not what they “should” be eating. Serving sizes will be more realistic and reflect how MUCH people eat at one time.  Furthermore since package size affects how much a person eats and drinks, under the proposed changes, food packages will be required to label as one serving the amount that is typically eaten at one time.  Currently, the label states the number of servings in the package.  For example in the future, a 20 ounce soft drink that is typically consumed in one sitting would be labeled as one serving.   So, under the changes, both a 12 and a 20 ounce bottle would equal one serving, since people usually drink the entirety of either of those sizes in one sitting. Calories and serving sizes will be more prominent on the newly proposed label. This is highly important in addressing public health concerns for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease for our nation.

Written by: Susan Zies, Ohio State University Extension Educator, zies.1@osu.edu

Reviewed by:  Cheryl Barber Spires, RD, LD, Ohio State University SNAP-Ed Program Specialist, spires.53@osu.edu

Sources: http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm387418.htm




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You know that you shed skin cells every day. About 30,000-40,000 of them fall off every hour. Over the course of a day, you shed over a million skin cells. Actually, most of the dust you see in your house is former parts of yourself. Eeuwww!! But what you might not realize because (a) no one ever told you, and (b) you can’t see through your skin, is that bone cells also die every day. Bone cells are living cells just like your skin cells; they eventually grow old and die. But unlike skin cells that fall off and land on the coffee table, old bone cells are reabsorbed and used to create new bone tissue.osteoporosis1

Inside your bones you have two “teams” of cells; one team’s cells (osteoblasts) lay down new bone. The other team’s cells (osteoclasts) chew up old bone. Ideally, you want the team that makes new bone to outweigh the team that takes away old bone, and for most of our childhood and young adulthood, that is exactly what happens. But as we age, the bone cell destroyers start to outnumber the bone builders. That’s when we begin to develop osteoporosis.This makes bones weak and porous, which raises the risk for fractures. Fortunately, there are many strategies you can employ to keep your bones hard and strong. Getting enough calcium and Vitamin D in your diet is one method, but being physically active is another.

So how does exercise help prevent osteoporosis? Moving your body enables you to build and maintain the amount (bone mass) and thickness (density) of your bones. When your body is moving, muscles pull against the bone. The stress causes minerals (mainly calcium) to be deposited in the bone. This makes the bone stronger and denser.

You need three different types of exercise to help lower your risk for getting osteoporosis: weight-bearing, resistance, and flexibility.

The first (and best) type of exercise to protect against osteoporosis is weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing means your feet and legs are supporting your body’s weight. Examples of weight-bearing exercise include walking, going up and down the stairs, and housework. However, weight-bearing exercise primarily affects bones below the waist, so you need other sources of activity to challenge the upper half of your body. Playing tennis and mowing the lawn are examples of activities that benefit the whole body.

Resistance exercise uses an object to create challenge or “friction.” When you’re working against the weight of an item such as free weights, weight machines, or resistance bands and tubing, you strengthen the muscles surrounding your bones and increase bone density.

And lastly, flexibility is important because your body needs to be able to bend and flow. Stretching, Tai chi, and yoga all promote balance and strength. These types of exercise will not slow down the loss of bone, but may decrease the risk of falls and fractures. When you twist, bend, and stretch, you strengthen the sites most at risk; primarily where your upper arm meets your shoulder, where your forearm meets your wrist, where your thigh bone meets your hip, and your spine.


Written by:

Donna Green
Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences
Ohio State University Extension

Reviewed by:

Elizabeth Smith, MS, RD, LD
Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences
Ohio State University Extension

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ImageLet’s face it, not all of us get the recommended amount of dairy we need each day.  Sure, we may have a little milk in our coffee or a slice of cheese on our sandwich, but unless we get the recommended 3 cups a day for adults, we become at risk for being deficient in important nutrients like protein, potassium, Vitamin D, and calcium.  Here are some tips that the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) give to help you get more fat-free or low-fat dairy foods in your daily diet.

  • Choose low-fat milk such as 1%, skim, or fat-free  If you are currently drinking whole or 2%, gradually switch to a version with lower fat.  Also, choose cheeses that are ‘reduced fat’ or ‘low-fat.’  Fat-free cheeses are healthy choices, but are not as good for cooking.
  • Use low-fat yogurt instead of sour cream to top a baked potato or fruit salad.  Also try using low-fat milk on oatmeal and cereal.
  • Regular cream cheese, butter, and cream are not dairy foods which means they do not contain important nutrients
  • Sweet dairy foods such as yogurts, flavored milks, puddings, and frozen yogurts are often high in added sugar.  Check food labels to make sure it is a healthy dairy choice.
  • If you are lactose intolerant try a lactose-free milk such as almond or soy milk.  Use the nutrition facts label to make sure they have about 300 mg of calcium.  You can also get some calcium in leafy greens, but unrealistic to meet all your daily dairy needs.
  • Milk and yogurt are better choices than cheeses because they contain more potassium and less sodium, and many milk and yogurt products are fortified with vitamin D.
  • Model healthy choices for your children.  Remember that your children are more likely to drink milk if they see you drinking milk.  Try to include different dairy snacks into their lunch.  Children 4 – 8 years old need 2 ½ cups daily, children 2 to 3 years old need 2 cups, and older children and teenagers need 3 cups.

Whatever foods you choose to meet your dietary guidelines for the dairy food group just remember that “reduced fat,” “low-fat,” or “fat-free” options are always best.  Try to do whatever you can to meet the 3 cup a day requirement.  Remember to try different dairy foods to see what works for you.  For more tips, please visit www.choosemyplate.gov for information about dairy and all the other food groups as well as information about your nutrition health.


Got Your Dairy Today? – http://www.choosemyplate.gov/food-groups/downloads/TenTips/DGTipsheet5GotYourDairyToday.pdf

Written by:  Dana Brown, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences,Morrow County, OSU Extension, Heart of Ohio EERA

Reviewed by:  Linnette Goard, Field Specialist, Food Safety, Selection and Management, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension.

Reviewed by:  Barb Hildebrand, Office Associate, Ohio State University Extension, Morrow County, Heart of Ohio EERA

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Everyone today is talking about getting more calcium and nutrients. What better way than eating yogurt?  How many of you have had someone ask you if you are eating Greek or regular yogurt? Purchasing Greek yogurt is very popular and consumers really like the taste. 

By adding Greek or regular yogurt, either in their nonfat or low-fat forms, persons planning a healthier diet can add valuable nutrients.  Greek yogurt, which is strained extensively, has an undeniable nutritional edge for the consumer.  When selecting yogurt read the food label. Things to look for include:

  • PROTEIN:  Greek yogurt is being touted for its higher amount of protein. A typical 6-ounce container has 15 to 20 grams, which is the same as 2-3 ounces of lean meat. Regular yogurt provides just 9 grams of protein.
  • FAT:   Yes, yogurt does contain fat.  A 7-ounce serving of full-fat Greek yogurt packs 16 grams of saturated fat or 80 percent of your daily allowance assuming a 2,000-calorie diet.  Whereas, an 8-ounce serving of regular full-fat yogurt has 5 grams of saturated fat.  Saturated fat raises total and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels, increasing the risk for heart disease. Read nutrition labels carefully. If you’re going Greek, stick to low-fat and/or fat-free versions.
  • SODIUM: Greek yogurt is much lower in sodium than regular yogurt, making it a healthier choice for those watching their salt intake. One cup of Greek yogurt contains 65 mg of sodium, while 1 cup of regular yogurt has 159 mg of sodium.
  • CALCIUM:  So where is the calcium? Regular yogurt provides 30 percent of the federal government’s recommended daily amount. A 6-ounce cup of Greek yogurt typically supplies about 20 percent of the daily recommendation. If you’re still worried about calcium intake, load up on milk, seeds, and almonds, says Sarah Krieger, a registered dietician and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Next time you are at the grocery store, stop and compare the variety of yogurt options. You will be surprised; what will you choose?




Press Release, General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition
Food Guide – Dairy, National Institutes of Health

Author: Marie Economos, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Trumbull County.

Reviewed by:  Cindy Shuster, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Perry County

Lisa Barlage, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ross and Vinton Counties

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picture of milkOsteoporosis, which is a condition of brittle bones, affects 44 million Americans. It is estimated that over 50% of the women over 50 and 25% of the men over 50 years of age will break a bone because of osteoporosis. There are some factors that lead to osteoporosis that cannot be prevented such as a decrease of bone density with age and heredity, but other risk factors can be minimized with some attention to lifestyle and habits. Some of those habits are quitting smoking, controlling alcohol and taking steps to make the bones health as strong as possible.
Starting off the tips to stronger bones is choosing low-fat dairy. Using 1% or skim milk, lower fat cheeses and low fat yogurt you get excellent sources of calcium. By using these low fat versions the same amount of calcium and minerals are provided but less fat and calories are taken in. Dark green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals and sardines are other sources of calcium.
Vitamin D is needed for your body to absorb calcium. You do get Vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the sun. At some latitudes, people that are house bound or those that use sunscreen are going to have more trouble getting the needed Vitamin D. Vitamin D is found in some food like fatty fish, so asking your health care professional about supplements may be necessary.
A recent study shows that prunes may be helpful for slowing bone loss. Starting with two or three prunes each day and gradually increasing this to six or more per day may be beneficial.
Finally walking and lifting weights are both ways to strengthen the bones. Walking helps strengthen the bones in your legs, hips and lower spine. Weight lifting focuses more on building muscle and bones in your arms and upper spine. Work towards at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
Keeping your bones strong is important in the aging process. Work on incorporating these habits into your day!

Source: Keep your Bones Strong, Health Smart, Jan. 2012.
Author: Liz Smith, FCS Educator, Ohio State University Extension

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